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Flathead Valley Wrestling Club

Flathead Valley Wrestling Club



1. No wrestlers are to be in the wrestling room or the weight room without authorized supervision.
2. No street shoes are allowed on the wrestling mats.  The mats are expensive and street shoes and the debris from them will damage them.
3. Do not wear your wrestling shoes outside or in the restrooms and then step on the mats; the debris brought in from will damage the mats and transmit bacteria.
4. If parents stay in the practice room during practice, please keep noise to a minimum so coaches can be heard.  This includes, but is not limited to:  conversations with each other, movies played on portable electronic devices, and siblings being allowed to play in the room on the sidelines during practice.
5. If parents have a question or concern, please discuss with the head coach.
6. Parents are responsible for transportation and meals during tournaments.  If you can’t make it but want your child to attend, discuss with the coaches as early as possible to set up a carpool.
7. If your child was excused ill from school, please keep him/her home from practice as well.  If your child is too sick to practice, he/she will be sent home.
8. Do not show up for practice with open sores, head lice, ringworm, or impetigo. We cannot allow this for obvious health reasons.  Please notify a coach as soon as any skin issues arise.
9. It is up to parents to make hotel reservations and register their wrestler on for any USAW/AAU/Open out of town tournament. Check weekly for handouts regarding tournaments and hotel information.
10. No stealing. If you are caught, you will be dismissed.
11. Profanity will not be tolerated.  This includes any ethnic, racial, religious, or gender slurs meant to bully another wrestler.
12. No horseplay at any time.
13. Wrestlers will be permitted on the mats in only CLEAN sweats, t-shirts and shorts or singlets.  No belts, clothing with zippers, or jeans allowed.
14. Be respectful of your coaches, your team mates, and of the other people in the room at all times.
15. Each Wrestler must have a USAW membership 


Flathead Valley Wrestling Club
644 4 Ave. West 
Kalispell, Montana 59901

Phone: 406-471-3718
Email: [email protected]

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